
Turkey Ottoman Empire Order of Medjidie Knight's Star 5th Class Crimean War 1854 1856

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Turkey Ottoman Empire Order of Medjidie Knight's Star 5th Class Crimean War 1854 1856

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Product Information
Ottoman Empire (Turkey): Order of Medjidie, 
Knight's Star, 5th (V) Class, silver and enameled. 
With 2 hallmarks on the reverse.
Diameter 53.5mm. 
Example of the post Crimean War period.
On the obverse side: 
- The Sultan’s tughra in the center of the badge 
- 4 enamel plaques with the inscription in Arabic 
letters and numbers: 
"Zeal, Devotion, Loyalty 1268"(Arabic year for 
AD 1852).
The medal was instituted in 1852 by Sultan Abdul 
Mejid in 5 classes. 
It was awarded for meritorious Military and Civil 
services to female and male recipients of both 
Turkish or foreign origin. 
The number of awards however was limited to 
just 6000 recipients for the 5th class so this is a 
quite rare award.

Ottoman Empire (Turkey): Order of Medjidie, 
Knight's Star, 5th (V) Class, silver and enameled. 
With 2 hallmarks on the reverse.
Diameter 53.5mm. 
Example of the post Crimean War period.
On the obverse side: 
- The Sultan’s tughra in the center of the badge 
- 4 enamel plaques with the inscription in Arabic 
letters and numbers: 
"Zeal, Devotion, Loyalty 1268"(Arabic year for 
AD 1852).
The medal was instituted in 1852 by Sultan Abdul 
Mejid in 5 classes. 
It was awarded for meritorious Military and Civil 
services to female and male recipients of both 
Turkish or foreign origin. 
The number of awards however was limited to 
just 6000 recipients for the 5th class so this is a 
quite rare award.


Post Crimean War period

Item 100% original - replaced ribbon

Condition as in the photos
Payment method: Paypal
Product CodeMO03297

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